Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunday, February 17, 2008
actually, nothing interesting happened to me during chinese new year since i dont have anyone to visit.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
for now, my only goal set for this year is to pass my 'o' levels with flying colours. but this goal is not easy to get, especially for how i'm doing rite now. my weakess subject, which is my maths and science, hopefully can get a B3 or 4. right now, its like E8 or F9. hence, i have a few ways of achiving what i want.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
This is my last week in China and i wish i could stay forever. It was fun while it lasted. We had a big feast at a nearby restaurant and roughly about twenty people came. After we had our dinner, i and my cousins played the whole night without sleep. We drink, eat and laugh at each others stupid jokes till the morning! about 8+ in the morning, all my relatives send me to the bus station where i will take a coach to Guan Zhou to take my flight. when it was about time to leave, everyone except me cried. It was a very touching moment. I really wish i could have another month of holiday. though i spent a whole month at China it was as if only a week. Time flies as though a hour becomes a minute. I would really like to stay there longer.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Today was my first time saw puppys the size of a hamster! my cousins dog just gave birth to 5 little puppys. they were all so cute n small. They do nothing but drink milk or sleep all day long... The second day i was so shock because they have grown about nearly twice in size! There was once when i nearly got bit by the mother dog because i got too near to her puppy and i was fast enough to pull my hand out of her mouth when her teeth just scrap through my palms. Phew! I heard from my cousins that if u got bit by a dog, you have to be injected seven times, once per day! I was lucky i wasn't bit by her if not i dun think so that i can come back to Singapore in time. =)
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Something fun happened today. i was just strolling with my grandfather around the neigbourhood as i was bored. My cousins are all at school and my sis and i were the only ones in the house. he showed me all the old house my grandparents and father used to leave and he told me that most of the house were build by him and hes father. Soon after half an hour of walk, we got tired and want to go home. On the way, my grandfather brought me to a house near ours and i saw a old lady sitting at the hall. she looked tired and old will a lot of winkles on her face. I soon found out that she was 87 years old and is my grandmother's aunt! I have to call her great grand aunt! haha!
Todays the 27 of may. the first day of my holiday i spent it at the airport. it was about 2am when my father woke me up from my sleep. I don't recall much of what happen because i slept almost all the way and before i know it i'm back in China, Guan Zhou. My family than took a couch till Fu Zhou which is where i stay. the couch took the whole night to travel. trough out 2 days i did nothing but sleeping. finally, after 2 whole days of sleeping i get back to my hometown. i can't believe how much it had change in the pass 5 years. when i got into my house, everyone except me cried.